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The Agra district is divided into Six Tehsils and 15 Blocks. Total number of Nayay Panchayats in the district are 114 while Gram Sabhas stands at 695. The total populated villages are 906. The total number of police stations in the district are 40 out of which 16 are in Urban area and 24 are in Rural area. The total number of Railway Stations (including Halts) are 29 and Bus Stands/Bus Stops are 144. Total number of Broad Guage lines is 237 K.M.
Primarily the Economy of the Agra district is agriculture based while the economy base of Agra city is Small Scale Industries, Commerce and Trade. Major crops are Wheat, Paddy, Bajra, Mustard, Patato etc. About 40% of the total economy of Agra depend on industry (Directly or Indirectly). Over 7200 Small Scale Industrial Units are spared all over the district. Agra city is famous for the Leather Goods, Handicrafts, Zari Zardozi, Marvel and Stone carving inlay work. Agra is also famous for sweets (PETHA) and Snaks (DALMOTH AND GAJAK). sources-https://bit.ly/3daNyao, https://bit.ly/2YL94ND
₹500 to 700 / Piece
₹500 to 700 / Piece
₹3,50,000 t0 4,00,000 / Set
₹3,50,000 t0 4,00,000 / Set
₹7,50,000 to 8,00, 000 / Set
₹7,50,000 to 8,00, 000 / Set